CentOS 7 Using samba to connect to a windows share at boot


I'm trying to get a CentOS7 host to mount a directory shared on a Windows 2012 R2 server whenever the host boots.

I have shared the directory to "Everyone" and other windows systems are mapping it

I installed smb-client, samba-common and cifs utils:

sudo yum install samba-client samba-common cifs-utils

I added the following line to the /etc/fstab file:

\\ServerIP\share /mnt/share cifs user,uid=500,rw,suid,username=administrator,password=password 0 0

samba client is responsive to CLI commands:

#smbclient -V outputs
Version 4.4.4

Is there a log file somewhere that i can look at to see what samba is doing when I boot?

I am not attempting to host a share on the CentOS device for the windows systems to connect to.

Best Answer

  1. Check your samba logs under /var/logs/samba
  2. If your firewall is up make sure sharing services is allowed or you may turn the firewall off