Centos – Apache: Automatic log splitting per Virtual Host


Whenever we create new Virtual Hosts on our dev servers, we always have to manually specify separate access and error logs:

ErrorLog logs/mysite/dev1-error.log
CustomLog logs/mysite/dev1-access.log "common"

Is there anyway to make Apache automatically split up the logs instead of having to specify them every time?

Best Answer

I feel your pain, as a web developer I have probably over 200 vhosts in my local dev - I personally don't care about the logs & log them all to the main /var/log/apache...

However what I did do was to write a shell script to add/manage all my vhosts - all you need to do is to tweak it to write logs to wherever you like...

if [ "$1"X = "X" ];
        echo "Must enter domain name"
        exit 0
if [ "$2"X = "X" ];
        echo "Must enter domain suffix"
        exit 0
if [ "$3"X = "X" ];
        echo "you must type "restart" if you want apache restarted "no" if not!"
        exit 0


#echo $domain;
#exit 0

rm $domain.conf

echo "<VirtualHost *:80>" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        ServerAdmin no-reply@network.local" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        ServerName $1.network.local" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        DocumentRoot /Data/vhome/$1.$2/httpdocs" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        HostnameLookups Off" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        UseCanonicalName Off" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        ServerSignature On" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/Data/vhome/$1.$2/cgi-bin/"" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error_log" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access_log combined" >> $domain.conf;
echo "    <Directory "/Data/vhome/$1.$2/cgi-bin">" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        AllowOverride All" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        Options +ExecCGI -Includes" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        Order allow,deny" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        Allow from all" >> $domain.conf;
echo "    </Directory>" >> $domain.conf;
echo "    <Directory "/Data/vhome/$1.$2/httpdocs">" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        AllowOverride All" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        Order allow,deny" >> $domain.conf;
echo "        Allow from all" >> $domain.conf;
echo "    </Directory>" >> $domain.conf;
echo "       # #XSS prevention" >> $domain.conf;
echo "       # RewriteEngine On" >> $domain.conf;
echo "       # RewriteCond %(REQUEST_METHOD) ^TRACE" >> $domain.conf;
echo "       # RewriteRule .* -[F]" >> $domain.conf;
echo "</VirtualHost>" >> $domain.conf;

if [ "$3" = "restart" ];
        rcapache2 restart;

chmod 666 $domain.conf

cat $domain.conf
echo "Created!";

exit 0

Hope it helps.


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