Centos – apache: can’t renew ssl certificate


I have Godaddy SSL certificate for one website on my dedicated server running Centos 5.3 / Apache 2.2.3. I have renewed certificate on Godaddy recently, however now it's showing as expired on my website. I've re-keyed certificate since and reuploaded domain.key, domain.crt and bundle.crt (example file names) files to the server, restarted apache, but the sertificate still shows as expired. I'm running out of clues.

I've tried replacing content of .crt files with jiberish and restart apache – it's still showing that certificate is expired, even though it shouldn't be picked up at all. I eventually rebooted dedicated server, still no luck. I'm using free SSL check tool http://www.digicert.com/help/ which clearly shows all the green checks except one – certificate is expired. Has someone any idea what might be causing this? Could there be some kind of caching going on here?

UPDATE: after running

openssl x509 -in domain.crt -noout -enddate

I'm getting this output:

notAfter=Jun  2 08:16:51 2013 GMT

So I asume this means I have the right certificate on the server and yet the old expired one shows on the web…

SOLVED: I did't mention this before, but it appears that the old certificate was hanging on Plesk, which was not used to create it in the first place, thus never looked at.

Best Answer

Just to double-check, you could run

openssl x509 -in domain.crt -noout -enddate

against your certificate file on the server. I'd also check for correct dns resolution on your client. Also check your local host file for old entries.