Centos + apache + uWSGI any option


I am trying to setup 'apache + uWSGI' on centos. But I am getting the following error:

Invalid command 'uWSGISocket', perhaps misspelled..

For that I found a solution that I need a package called:


But on centos that package is not available. Now I am confused whether 'apache + uWSGI' can be configured on centos?
following is my virtualhost config:

LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so WSGISocketPrefix

ServerName www.example.com
ServerAlias example.com
DocumentRoot /usr/src/example/templates

<Location />
    SetHandler uwsgi-handler

<Directory /usr/src/example/templates>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Please help

Best Answer

Afaik stable CentOS is too old to have some form of uWSGI package. Btw installation is extremely easy. pip install uwsgi will be more than enough. Or eventually you can download the stable tarball and run make. Building mod_uwsgi (or mod_proxy_uwsgi) could be a little bit more annoying (be sure to install the apache development headers).

run it from the 'apache2' directory in uWSGI sources:

apxs2 -i -c mod_uwsgi.c

More info here

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