Centos – Authenticate users with Zimbra LDAP Server from other CentOS clients


I'am wondering that how can integrate my database,web,backup etc.. centos servers with Zimbra LDAP Server. Does it require more advanced configuration than standart ldap authentication ?

My zimbra server version is

[zimbra@zimbra ~]$ zmcontrol -v
Release 8.0.5_GA_5839.RHEL6_64_20130910123908 RHEL6_64 FOSS edition.

My LDAP Server status is

[zimbra@ldap ~]$ zmcontrol status
Host ldap.domain.com
    ldap                    Running
    snmp                    Running
    stats                   Running
    zmconfigd               Running

I already installed nss-pam-ldapd packages to my servers.

[root@www]# rpm -qa | grep ldap

My /etc/nslcd.conf is

[root@www]# tail -n 7 /etc/nslcd.conf
uid nslcd
gid ldap
# This comment prevents repeated auto-migration of settings.
uri ldap://ldap.domain.com
base dc=domain,dc=com
binddn uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra
bindpw **pass**
ssl no
tls_cacertdir /etc/openldap/cacerts

When i run

[root@www ~]# id username
id: username: No such user

But i am sure that username user exist on ldap server.

EDIT : When i run ldapsearch command i got all result with credentials and dn.

[root@www ~]# ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.domain.com:389 -w **pass** -D uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra -x 'objectclass=*'

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=domain,dc=com> (default) with scope subtree
# filter: objectclass=*
# requesting: ALL

# domain.com
dn: dc=domain,dc=com
zimbraDomainType: local
zimbraDomainStatus: active

Best Answer

If your zimbra server has multiple domains your base needs to be:


You need to set your ldap to target users by uid
