CentOS“-bash: a2enmod: command not found”


when I configured pnp4nagios,the following questions happened.

PHP GD extension→ PHP GD extension not available

PHP zlib extension→ PHP zlib extension not available

PHP socket extension→ PHP socket extension not available

Apache Rewrite Module→ Apache mod_rewrite is not enabled

google told me perhaps my php was broken during the installation.
Also,I got this pageenabling-mod-rewrite-on-ubuntu

But,my server is CentOS,I carried out the command "a2enmod rewrite",the result is "-bash: a2enmod: command not found"……

What can I do?Thanks.

Best Answer

a2enmod is a debianism, on CentOS you will need to do this manually. Please refer to the Apache documentation to find out how to do this.