Centos – Cannot install PEAR on Centos 6.5 and PHP 5.5


This is driving me nuts already and there's no information about this whatsoever in Google, only 2006 posts, but they don't really help me.

I have CentOS 6.5 freshly updated, PHP 5.5, MySQL, Apache, NodeJS and some other web dev stuff, not really dirty local environment.

I even removed completely all pear files:

rm -rf 'find / -type f -name "pear*"'

Then, I installed the fresh version:

wget http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar

php go-pear.phar

And I always get this:


Please help guys….

/tmp/glibctestXXXX issue?

I have all glibc packages already:

[root@localhost pear]# rpm -qa | grep glibc

Best Answer

While I personally would have used the php-pear-* packages provided by EPEL (with the php-pear package coming from CentOS itself), I don't really see the problem. The installer script says the pear executable was installed - is it working as expected or not? If not, please post that error. I tend to disergard error messages about temporary files in /tmp - perhaps a bad practice but it's never yet bitten me on the butt.

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