Centos – Can’t connect even though IPtables is stopped


I have two network interfaces in my CentOS 5.8 machine, one with a local IP and one with an external, publicly available, IP. I'm running SSH and some other services. I can access these if I connect to the local IP of the machine from some other machine in the same local network. But if I connect from another machine to the external, public IP of the machine, I can't get in.

Even though I disabled the IPtables firewall with service iptables stop, it won't work.
Any suggestions? I have tried with SELinux disabled (setenforce 0) and also by adding ports to the setup firewall configuration. I did check with netstat and both the SSH service and other services are listening to

Best Answer

Check that the router is forwarding the inbound traffic. Additionally, verify that there are no odd rules in /etc/hosts.deny.