Centos – Can’t su to user other than root on CentOS


I'm able to SSH to my server (CentOS 5.9) using an admin account with sudo privileges:

$ ssh admin@myserver
Last login: Wed Feb 27 19:23:11 2013 from [IP ADDRESS]
[admin@myserver ~]$

Then I can su to root:

[admin@myserver ~]$ sudo su root
[sudo] password for admin: 
[root@myserver admin]# 

But I can't su to another user, and the su command is not telling me why:

[admin@myserver ~]$ sudo su anotheruser
[admin@myserver ~]$ whoami

Any idea why I can su to root, but not to other users?

How can I get su to tell me why it is not doing what I want it to do?

Best Answer

What permissions are granted in /etc/sudoers to admin?

Also, as root, you could always su - anotheruser. An extra step perhaps, but without knowing anything about your sudoers file this will work.