Centos – Change the logs directory for CentOS


The default directory in which the OS writes its logs is '/var/log/', I want to change that directory to another one that I create. How can I do that?


I tried changing the paths (/var/log/.) to (/var/tmp_log/.) in '/etc/rsyslog.conf', created the destination folder '/tmp_log/' and rebooted my PC but it just stopped writing new logs.

then tried to copy the original files from '/var/log/' to '/var/tmp_log/' and it didn't work either.

Best Answer

Have you also checked all other files inside /etc/rsyslog.d/ ?

/var/log is the default log folder for many other applications that don't necessarily depend on rsyslog. Apache for example doesn't use rsyslog so you'll have to change the config file of every application that writes to /var/log.

lsof +D /var/log/ will give you all processes that have open files inside that folder. Please note that this will only show processes that have the file OPEN. Some applications don't keep the file open all the time and only write to the logs in batches.

Another options would be to create your new folder /var/tmp_log/ and create a a symlink on /var/log pointing to it. Would that work ?