Centos – Chrony synchronization


After I configured chrony service on my CentOS 7.3 to point to the active directory, it shows below

> chronyc sources
210 Number of sources = 1
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
^* ad.myserver.com                2   6   377    17   -206us[  -92us] +/-  10.6s

According to the document, the last column "Last Sample"

This column shows the offset between the local clock and the source at
the last measurement. The number in the square brackets shows the
actual measured offset. …The number following the +/- indicator
shows the margin of error in the measurement. Positive offsets
indicate that the local clock is fast of the source.

The offset in the square bracket seems reasonable. The source and my local clock has offset of 92us, but why the margin of error is so high with 10.6 seconds? What does the margin of error mean? What could be the possible reason?

Before I pointed them to the AD, it was using the public time server like 0.centos.pool.ntp.org. At that time, the result is posted as below. The margin of error is much lower.

> chronyc sources
210 Number of sources = 4
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
^* minime.fdf.net                3   8   377     1  -1078us[-1110us] +/-   15ms
^- kcolford.com                  3   8   377     8   -676us[ -708us] +/-   54ms
^- pool-173-71-73-207.cmdnnj     1   8   377     8   -209us[ -241us] +/-   56ms
^+ mis.wci.com                   2   8   377    10  +2944us[+2912us] +/-   43ms

Best Answer

The PDC in your domain may simply be off by many seconds. Especially if it is drifting and not synced to anything. Check its performance with w32tm /monitor /domain: from a domain joined Windows box. For more useful commands, this previous question has a w32tm quick reference: How to find time server in a domain?

Windows Server before 2016 was not designed for sub second accuracy. Often it achieves this anyway, so I'm still suspicious your domain's time keeping given the large error.

And a tip: configure chrony.conf (or ntp.conf) with pool ad.example.org. Active Directory best practice is to have more than one DC, and they're all in DNS as the domain name. Might as well use them all, like you did for the NTP public pool.

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