Centos – Clone CentOS 6.0 Unique identifiers


when cloning CentOS (minimal install + nginx, tomcat, postgres all not running) in a VMware virtual environment what unique identifiers are present on the cloned machine?

The information I have found so far is that when cloning, the new MAC address causes an a new interface to be added, so it is necessary to follow instructions here:
That is, remove the 70-persistent-net.rules
and update the MAC address in /etc/sysconfig/networking-scripts/ifcfg-eth*

But, is there any other unique properties which may cause problems, or even indicate that the machine is cloned? Is there some sort of System ID created by centos minimal during install.

The ones I can think of are:

  • If ssh server creates server creates keys during install these would be duplicated and that could be a security issue.
  • Any static IP set up
  • The MAC address set up

Would there be any others, even if they would not effect the usage of the cloned machine.

Thank you in advance!

I just found a page it seems to have a fairly complete list. Would any of these actually cause problems if they were on a shared network, or even on a cluster?

Best Answer

I'm currently running cloned CentOS Xen images, and only changing mac addresses and server keys between them. IPs and Macs are the only things that would cause networking issues.

The other thing to worry about is mountpoints - if you are mounting e.g. /var/www off shared storage, you (perhaps) want to make sure that all the cloned servers are each mounting their own /var/www directory.