Centos – Copy/move EBS volume from one Region to another

amazon ec2amazon-ebscentosmigration

Background of our setup:
We've hosted our web-based application in Amazon EC2 US East (Virginia) Region. Our instance is based on Linux distribution (CentOS) and AMI is S3-backed. 1 EBS volume (400 GB size) is attached to this instance.

We've planned to migrate our deployment to US West (N. California) Region. From AWS doc, I understood that for moving AMI, there is a command-line tool available – ec2-migrate-bundle. But for moving EBS volume across Region, currently there is no tool available.

I'm looking for easiest and/or fastest way of copying/moving EBS volume from one Region to another. Also, are there any hidden risks involved during and/or after the migration?

Experts ideas/suggestions/recommendations on this are highly appreciated.

Best Answer

Amazon recently announced EBS Snapshot Copy which enables to copy EBS snapshots across AWS regions, thus making it easier to leverage multiple AWS regions and accelerate geographical expansion, data center migration and disaster recovery.

NOTE: Amazon EC2 is also planning to launch Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Copy as a follow-up to this feature, which will enable to copy both public and custom-created AMIs across regions.