CentOS Cron running at wrong time, 5hrs late (Logwatch)


Server: CentOS 5.2 with Logwatch 7.3-8.el5

I have a cronjob setup to run logwatch at 10:45pm daily. The cron runs and I get the logwatch email, but it's running at 4:30am. My server's time is behind by 30mins but that doesn't explain the hours delay.

crontab -e shows:

45 22 * * * /usr/sbin/logwatch

I do have other cronjobs but logwatch is the first, all others are after it at 1am, 2am, 4am, 5am and 5:05am.

Any ideas why the time is well out?

Best Answer

I don't know why it is not running at 22:45 but I have an idea why it's running at 4:30. Try to check if you don't have any logwatch script in /etc/cron.daily and then open /etc/crontab and look for line with cron.daily when it's running.

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