Centos – Disable modsecurity For a Specific Directory


How do you disable modsecurity for just a specific directory. I'm getting errors in phpMyAdmin that are caused by modsecurity tripping based on rules. I have the following files set up:

# /etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_15_customrules.conf
<LocationMatch "^/phpMA/">
    SecRuleEngine Off

# /etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_60.custom.conf
<LocationMatch '^/phpMA/*'>
    SecRuleRemoveById 950004
    SecRuleRemoveById 950005
    SecRuleRemoveById 950006
    SecRuleRemoveById 960010
    SecRuleRemoveById 960012

From what I can find the first file should disable it, but it still trips, so I tried adding the rule IDs it is tripping to the 60 file, but it still complains.

I'm running the following packages on CentOS 5.3:

  • mod_security-2.5.0-jason.2
  • httpd-2.2.8-jason.3
  • mod-php5-apache2-zend-ce-5.2.10-65

Best Answer

SecRuleEngine Off must work . Have you tried to put SecRuleEngine inside Directory:

<Directory /var/www/site/phpMA>
SecRuleEngine Off

instead of LocationMatch ?