Centos – DNS record change not taking effect


I have a Centos5 server on internet, say srv1.example.com with IP address say
I have changed the A records example.com, www.example.com and ny.example.com to say

I have not restarted BIND since the server hosts zones for other domains too.

The zone file has the $TTL of 86400.

After changing the A records, I tried nslookup, host, dig commands to see if I could get the IP address for example.com, www.example.com and ny.example.com.
However, I am still getting the old IP address,

I have even flushed dns cache on client pc but no luck.

Can anyone think of anything that might have gone wrong in changing the A records?
Or is there any other step that I still have to perform on the server?

Best Answer

Your changes will not take effect until you:

  1. Increment the serial in your zone file.
  2. Run rndc reload as root.