Centos – Do CentOS 4 yum Repositories Exist Anywhere


I am trying (somewhat desperately) to convert an RHEL 4 server with no RedHat contract to CentOS 4 preparatory to upgrading it to CentOS 5 because "shellshock." I am following the instructions found here: http://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/show/1496-convert-a-rhel4-linux-server-to-a-centos-4-server with appropriate changes for version (4.9) and architecture (i386.)

CentOS has historical files for 4.9 here:http://vault.centos.org/4.9/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/

I've gotten as far in the instructions as:
yum install yum-plugin-protectbase.noarch yum-plugin-priorities.noarch yum-plugin-fastestmirror.noarch which fails with:

not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - 4 is not a valid release or hasnt been released yet
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: update
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: update

I've never used yum before and I am a little bit desperate. Is there a way of using the material in vault.centos.org to complete this installation?

(I have tried researching this myself, I know about /etc/yum.repos.d but am very unsure how or whether the material that's available can be made to work for me. Any help will be very much appreciated!)

Edited to add: There is a reposdata directory in vault.centos.org. Not sure what to do with it, though.

Best Answer

Yes, an older repo does exist....again it is beyond EOL...

The location is:


Despite it saying v4.8....its version 4.9

I had to do use this repo to get a latest Centos 4 system to recover data from an old application. So this does work.
