Centos – Downgrade centos version


I currently have CentOS 5.10 installed in my server.

Is it possible to downgrade it to CentOS 5.5 with out re installing ?

Best Answer

I don't have a CentOS test box at hand, but the procedure is documented on Red Hat's support portal https://access.redhat.com/solutions/186763

  1. Ensure that you have a yum repo for that old release configured. Check http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5.5/readme to see it is considered a bad idea to run CentOS 5.5 and where to find such repo's.

  2. Install the correct old kernel for that old minor release,

    yum install kernel-<version>

  3. reboot to that kernel version.

  4. And than run a yum downgrade to the release package you want, something like: yum downgrade centos-release-5-5

No personal experience if doing the above will work as expected...