Centos – error (network unreachable) resolving


Going through my logs, I just realized some part of my server might be compromised, although not an expert of Bind 9, I'm not sure what to correct in order to prevent this :

Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.gamasutra.com/A/IN': 2001:4800:7814:0:5008:8553:ff04:b151#53
Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.kitchenworksinc.com/A/IN': 2607:f208:302::2d#53
Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'gyogynovenyek-gyogyteak.com/A/IN': 2607:f0d0:1101:16f::6#53
Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.kitchenworksinc.com/AAAA/IN': 2607:f208:302::2d#53
Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.kitchenworksinc.com/A/IN': 2607:f208:206::2d#53
Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.kitchenworksinc.com/AAAA/IN': 2607:f208:206::2d#53
Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'gyogynovenyek-gyogyteak.com/AAAA/IN': 2607:f0d0:1101:16f::6#53
Oct 24 14:16:51 ip151 named[54864]: validating @0x7f4e1405ce60: www.gamasutra.com A: no valid signature found
Oct 24 14:16:51 ip151 named[54864]:  validating @0x7f4e1c5befc0: gamasutra.com SOA: no valid signature found
Oct 24 14:16:51 ip151 named[54864]:  validating @0x7f4e2008e200: www.gamasutra.com NSEC: no valid signature found
Oct 24 14:16:54 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.utrinski.mk/A/IN': 2001:678:1::2#53
Oct 24 14:16:54 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.utrinski.mk/AAAA/IN': 2001:678:1::2#53
Oct 24 14:16:54 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.utrinski.mk/A/IN': 2001:628:453:bb::4#53
Oct 24 14:16:54 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.utrinski.mk/AAAA/IN': 2001:628:453:bb::4#53
Oct 24 14:16:54 ip151 named[54864]: error (connection refused) resolving 'www.utrinski.mk/A/IN':
Oct 24 14:16:54 ip151 named[54864]: error (connection refused) resolving 'www.utrinski.mk/AAAA/IN':
Oct 24 14:16:59 ip151 named[54864]: validating @0x7f4e241324c0: www.biblioteksforeningen.org AAAA: no valid signature found
Oct 24 14:16:59 ip151 named[54864]: validating @0x7f4e0ccf4060: www.biblioteksforeningen.org A: no valid signature found
Oct 24 14:16:59 ip151 named[54864]: validating @0x7f4e0ccf4060: biblioteksforeningen.org A: no valid signature found
Oct 24 14:17:04 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'dsac.cn/DS/IN': 2001:dc7::1#53

It seems like my server is spammed with name resolutions from unkown people. If I understood correctly, what I need to do is set up my server to be private in some sort.

I'm deeply sorry if I'm not using the correct terminology, I'm just trying to solve this thing quickly before it becomes a real problem for the sites I host.

Thank you

Update 1:
the result of -route ยง is :

Destination                    Next Hop                   Flag Met Ref Use If
[::]/96                        [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo                     [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:x00::/24                  [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:xf00::/24                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:x9fe::/32                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:xc10::/28                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:x0a8::/32                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:x000::/19                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
3ffe:xfff::/32                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  113233992 lo
localhost/128                  [::]                       Un   0   116069755 lo
ipxxx.ip-17x-3x-4x.eu/128      [::]                       Un   0   1 14444 lo
ff00::/8                       [::]                       U    256 0     0 ens18
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  113233992 lo


I've simply modified the named.conf file with the following change (everything is clearly explained in the file, I should ahve looked there first)

options {
    listen-on port 53 {
//  listen-on-v6 port 53 {
//      any;
//      }; 

I commented the last 3 lines, since I don't handle any IP V6 on my websites.

Also modified that line from yes to no :

 - If you are building an AUTHORITATIVE DNS server, do NOT enable recursion.
 - If you are building a RECURSIVE (caching) DNS server, you need to enable 
 - If your recursive DNS server has a public IP address, you MUST enable access 
   control to limit queries to your legitimate users. Failing to do so will
   cause your server to become part of large scale DNS amplification 
   attacks. Implementing BCP38 within your network would greatly
   reduce such attack surface 
    recursion no;

It doesn't seem to impact any of my sites.
As a result, my logs now look like this :

Oct 24 15:10:57 ip151 named[40819]: client (www.dunyadinleri.com): query (cache) 'www.dunyadinleri.com/AAAA/IN' denied
Oct 24 15:10:57 ip151 named[40819]: client (www.dunyadinleri.com): query (cache) 'www.dunyadinleri.com/A/IN' denied
Oct 24 15:10:57 ip151 named[40819]: client (ujquery.org): query (cache) 'ujquery.org/A/IN' denied
Oct 24 15:10:57 ip151 named[40819]: client (ujquery.org): query (cache) 'ujquery.org/AAAA/IN' denied
Oct 24 15:10:57 ip151 named[40819]: client (adsl.aruba.it): query (cache) 'adsl.aruba.it/A/IN' denied
Oct 24 15:10:57 ip151 named[40819]: client (adsl.aruba.it): query (cache) 'adsl.aruba.it/AAAA/IN' denied
Oct 24 15:10:57 ip151 named[40819]: client (www.microscopy-uk.org.uk): query (cache) 'www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/A/IN' denied

Best Answer

Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.gamasutra.com/A/IN': 2001:4800:7814:0:5008:8553:ff04:b151#53

Oct 24 14:16:50 ip151 named[54864]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'www.kitchenworksinc.com/A/IN': 2607:f208:302::2d#53

Hmm, I see that it is happening for requests only coming from IPv6 source addresses. So I think your server is listening for requests on IPv6 address, But not able to reach or send them replies(network unreachable). And I am pretty sure that it may be happening due to absence of default gateway or a default route.

So check for following, run:

route -6

You should see something like

::/0                           2001:xxxx:xxxx:196::1      UG   1024 8   874 eth0

If there is no ::/0 route then this is the problem(absence of default route), Hence not able to send replies to IPv6 queries.


Destination                    Next Hop                   Flag Met Ref Use If
[::]/96                        [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo                     [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:x00::/24                  [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:xf00::/24                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:x9fe::/32                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:xc10::/28                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:x0a8::/32                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
2002:x000::/19                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
3ffe:xfff::/32                 [::]                       !n   1024 0     0 lo
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  113233992 lo
localhost/128                  [::]                       Un   0   116069755 lo
ipxxx.ip-17x-3x-4x.eu/128      [::]                       Un   0   1 14444 lo
ff00::/8                       [::]                       U    256 0     0 ens18
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  113233992 lo

Well as i said there is no default route hence they are able to reach you but you are not. Again if you don't want these queries to come you have three options

  • block 53 port in ip6tables
  • disable ipv6 address on interface
  • remove ipv6 address from interface

Choose whichever option suites(as you said you are running a web server not DNS), Otherwise you are leaving your system very vulnerable!