Centos – Exim Problem: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address


My mail log returns the following error when sending email to a gmail account:
Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address

Here is the full error message:

2010-10-08 03:44:58 1P4214-0007MM-NL <= alleart@V100723TU7C41-1 U=alleart P=local S=527
2010-10-08 03:44:58 1P4214-0007MM-NL ** dettehusker@gmail.com R=smart_route T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<dettehusker@gmail.com>: host smtp.ultrahosting.com []: 504 5.5.2 <alleart@V100723TU7C41-1>: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address
2010-10-08 03:44:58 1P4214-0007MP-Rm <= <> R=1P4214-0007MM-NL U=mailnull P=local S=1556
2010-10-08 03:44:59 1P4214-0007MM-NL Completed

Exim is set to the folowing relay:

driver = manualroute
domains = !+local_domains
transport = remote_smtp
route_list = * smtp.ultrahosting.com

The server is running CentOS and Exim 4, the email is sent using PHPs mail() function.

Thank you for your time and effort

Best Answer

It looks like this is the address the server is trying to use to send mail: alleart@V100723TU7C41-1 and it's being rejected. You may need to specify a valid email address in your php.ini file, or request a change through your hosting provider.