Centos – Get last modification date on many SVN repos


I'm hosting svn server for my developers. From server I see all configured dirs with svn repos. I want to get last modification date on all of them(obout 30 different projects). I don't want to connect to all of them make checkout and then with svn command on each check last modification. I want use only bash to extract that info but have no idea how and even is it possible in that way.

it looks like this that a have for example 10 project in different repos on the same server (no branches)… all project sits in one directory configured as different svn repos:






Best Answer

svnlook tree --full-paths "$REPO" | grep '/branches/[^/]*/$' | \
while read branch ; do
    svnlook history -l 1 "$REPO" "$branch"
done | while read revision path ; do
    # Input looks like the following, in a loop...
    # --------   ----
    #       20   /path/to/branch
    case "$revision" in
      REVISION|--------) : ;;  # Skip headers
      *) echo "$path" `svnlook date -r "$revision" "$REPO"`
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