Centos – GLIBC 2.6 on Centos 5.8


There are many discussions about glibc on CentOS on serverfault but I couldn't find one directly related to these: I have CentOS 5.8 server and I would like to install G-WAN. It requires GLIBC 2.6, I have 2.5 right now.

Does CentOS 5.8 support GLIBC 2.6 or do I have to upgrade to CentOS 6? Is there a documentation about these requirements?


Best Answer

The discussions you may have seen are correct...
See here, here, here, and here.

You can't change glibc versions on CentOS 5. You'll need an upgrade to a newer version of RHEL/CentOS.

EL6 ships with glibc 2.12:

Name        : glibc                        Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 2.12                              Vendor: CentOS

Of course, upgrading CentOS versions isn't particularly easy...