Centos – Gnome Desktop Environment install error


So i moved to a new server and i want to install gnome desktop environment to access my server via vnc viewer.

But, i don't remember how i managed to install last time, so i tried

yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" command and server said

Warning: Group GNOME Desktop Environment does not exist.
No packages in any requested group available to install or update

It's a brand new server so i didn't add any repos or else yet

It's a centos 5.5 server …

Best Answer

The list of available groups can be shown with yum grouplist. If it doesn't show up then someone (is this a VPS?) may have disabled or crippled the default yum repos.

If you can't get the group installed regardless then you can still get VNC access by installing vnc-server and configuring that.

The next option down would be installing an X server on your local system and doing X forwarding via SSH.

The next option would be to install freenx and use NX to access the system.

The final option, and the most popular by far, is to just learn how to administer the system via command line.