Centos – how to choose the correct repository for new software on Centos


I want to install PHP7 and on Centos you can only do that by installing extra repositories. I see a variety of them (remi, ius, webtatic), and the comments on forums are both pro and contra.

I am not asking for personal opinions, but I am interested in what are the professional reasons to chose one over another – criteria that I should take into account and possible pitfalls that I should avoid.

Best Answer

Notice than the most "official" solution to install recent versions of various software on Red Hat / CentOS are Software Collections.

Red Hat Software Collections version 2.3 provides both php 5.6 and 7.0, and are maintained by Red Hat, and available for CentOS users in centos-scl repository, maintained by the SCLo SIG.

An interesting solution comparison: Running newer applications on CentOS