Centos – How to clean up thesql installation on centos


mysql does not exist anymore but when i run yum remove mysql it says that the package is available but not marked for installation, i cannot install new mysql because of that, I need to completely delete everything related to it before installing new one, i do not have tables created so don't need to backup anything i tried to use the yum plugin yum-remove-with-leaves didn't work and didn't find any guide to install it properly, anyway i read on forums that it's buggy and should not be installed so I'm searching for other ways to remove mysql completely

and can i do it using sftp?


the output of rpm -qa | grep mysql is



I tried

yum remove mysql
yum remove mysql-server
yum clean all

and it doesn't seem to fix it.

When I run yum install mysql mysql-server or yum install mysql or yum install install mysql-server i would get this

enter image description here

Best Answer

yum remove mysql55-libs and try again.

Besides, I saw you used a lot of repos: atomic, dag, epel, rpmforge, livna, ..., it may be the cause of conflicting. In my opinion, atomic and (rpmforge or epel) are enough.