Centos – How to downgrade openssl


I am trying to install the StGeorge payment gateway api on my CewntOS VPS. But when I tried running

php test.php

I get error: error while opening file libwebpayclient.so

So I tried: ldd libwebpayclient.so

Which showed that libssl.so.6 and libcrypto.so.6 are not found. So my guess was openssl was not installed, but when I tried yum install openssl, I find that the latest openssl-1.0.0 is installed on the server. So I am guessing i need to downgrade it to openssl-0.9.8e which has the libcrypto.so.6 files….but I don't know how to downgrade and whether I should even downgrade at all? What are your suggestions to this problem?

And if I do have to downgrade, please tell me the exact steps to do so, because I am not very familiar with command line.

Best Answer

There is an openssl098e package in CentOS 6 which you should be able to install with yum:

yum install openssl098e