Centos – .htaccess Permission denied. Unable to check htaccess file


I have a strange problem when adding a sub-domain to our virtual server. I have done similar sub-domains before and they have worked fine.

When I try to access the sub-domain I get an 403 Forbidden error.

I checked the error logs and have the following error:

pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

I've searched Google and could only find solutions regarding file and folder permissions, that I have checked and the solution isn't solved. I also saw problems with Frontpage Extensions, but that's not installed on the server.


Forgot to say that there isn't a .htaccess file in the directory of the sub-domain

Edit #2

Still not been able to find a solution on this. Only things I have been able to find out is:

  • It doesn't seem to be a problem with any .htaccess files (I've tried creating blank ones, with correct user privileges).
  • It doesn't seem to be a problem with any folder permissions as they are all set correct.
  • There isn't a problem with the way the sub-domain has been set up, as I've tried pointing the DocumentRoot to another folder and it worked fine. I've also done sub-domains fine before with no problem.

Edit #3

Find out more information. I don't think it can be a file permission problem now, because if I access it by going to the server ip and then the directory where the site is hosted it all works fine (minus the stylesheets & images, which is just down to how they are linked)

Best Answer

Are you using the Apache ITK MPM? Version 2.2.17 fixes a bug that can cause 403 errors (see the changelog).

I was experiencing the same problem when using the AssignUserId directive. It went away when I gave the files and folders world-readable/executable permissions.

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