Centos – I get the error qsub: Bad UID for job execution when trying to submit a job via PBS


OS Version:
CentOS release 4.6 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m

When I attempt to run a job it gives me the error as follows.

qsub: Bad UID for job execution

I have created a fresh user account and the same error occurs, yet other users on the same machine can run jobs without a problem.

How can I fix this issue?

Best Answer

Instructions here: http://www.bo.infn.it/alice/introgrd/pbsabout/node18.html suggest that you are running it as wrong user.

Invalid user in #PBS -u new-user

$ qsub sube.cmd
qsub: Bad UID for job execution

The user name defined in the user list is either undefined or different from the user name of the job submitter or the user UID and GID at the executing node are different from the ones in the submitting node. In this case, first of all check that the #PBS -u directive specifies a valid user, then check that user IDs are the same:

$ id whoami uid=501(myusrname) gid=501(myusrname) groups=501(myusrname) $ grep -e "PBS -u" cpbs.cmd

PBS -u alice001 $ id alice001 uid=10417(alice001) gid=1395(alice) groups=1395(alice)

and change the #PBS -u as appropriate.