Centos – IMAP and PHP on CentOS


I'm trying to install imap on CentOS but it's not working.

I did:

yum install php-imap

it was installed. Then I enabled on php.ini the extension = php_imap.dll

I have also restarted httpd many times, including using 'graceful'.

But it's not working. phpinfo() is not showing it and the scripts that need it are not working. I'm also pretty noob when it comes to Linux, so I'm sure this is some little thing I'm missing because of my ignorance 🙂

Any ideas? I'm following all tutorials around but I don't know why it's not working.

Thank you!!!

Best Answer

Try this in your php.ini instead. The .dll extension is for windows:

extension = php_imap.so

What PHP RPMs are you using? Normally they'll stick their own ini file in /etc/php.d and restarting httpd is all you have to do. Does /etc/php.d/imap.ini exist? If you've mixed up different PHP RPMs or compiled stuff from source, that might be the source of your problem.