Centos – Install a root certificate in CentOS 6


I know it has been already asked, but despite many hours of research I couldn't find a working solution.
I am trying to install my root certificate in my server, so internal service can bind to each other using SSL.

What should know about the new root CA:

  1. Apache httpd and PHP
  2. OpenLDAP client
  3. Node.js

For Apache I need a PHP application to know about the root certificate, so if a site connects to another SSL website (signed by the same CA) it works fine and it doesn't complain about a self-signed certificate.

For OpenLDAP I believe it's the same as PHP, the module it uses is quite old, it's Net_LDAP2, installed with PEAR. I tried editing the local openldap configuration, but it looks like the system is not using it.

Last Node.js, which I use for parsoid. The node.js servers have to trust the CA in order to make a good SSL connection.

I tried adding the certificate to /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt with little success.

While httpd doesn't see the root CA, I managed to make other services work with it, like tomcat and 389.

Thank you for your support.

Best Answer

On my RHEL 6 box the man 8 update-ca-trust manual page has a pretty extensive explanation on how the system-wide CA certificates and associated trusts can/should be managed.

More often then not configuration is application specific as the comments above indicate.