Centos – install nfs on centos with a custom kernel


I am trying to turn on nfs on Centos running a custom kernel. In the kernel config, under File systems, Network File Systems, I enabled as modules 'NFS file system support' and 'NFS server support'. I did not enable any of the options under either of those options.

Then I compiled the kernel and installed the modules. I did not reboot the server. I installed the NFS module, and I can see it when I do an lsmod.

I have the following entry in my /etc/exports


when I try and start nfs I get the following messages

[root@gw linux]# service nfs start
Starting NFS services:                                     [  OK  ]
Starting NFS quotas:                                       [  OK  ]
Starting NFS daemon:                                       [FAILED]
[root@gw linux]#

/var/log/daemon shows

Jun 16 10:19:34 gw nfsd[16031]: nfssvc: Function not implemented

rpcinfo shows

[root@gw linux]# rpcinfo -p localhost
program vers proto   port
100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
100024    1   udp   1011  status
100024    1   tcp   1014  status
100011    1   udp    942  rquotad
100011    2   udp    942  rquotad
100011    1   tcp    945  rquotad
100011    2   tcp    945  rquotad
[root@gw linux]#

How do I get this going?

Best Answer

NFS functionality comprises of two portions:

  • NFS file system support (client)

    The module for this is called nfs

  • NFS server support

    The module for this is called nfsd

The error you're getting indicates that you may have only loaded the client module.