Centos – Install php53 on CentOS 5.10 without httpd dependency


I would like to install php53 on CentOS 5.10 64-bit without the httpd dependency. The reason being the production server has a custom compiled binary of a newer version of httpd.

Is installing php53 on CentOS5 without the httpd dependency even possible?

Best Answer

With the edit it's more clear what you want.
You already have httpd installed but not via RPMs.

In that case you can do it the way you did it by extracting the RPM.
Or by downloading the rpm and installing it via rpm -i --nodeps php53.....
In any case this won't be very nice.

If you install the RPM then upgrading the box won't be nice and might break it.
If you manually extract the shared object and place it there, you won't notice if there is an update with the standard CentOS tools.