Centos – Is it possible to install Samba 3 on CentOS 7


Trying to address a compatibility problem with Samba 4, that comes with CentOS 7, I consider downgrading to Samba 3.

However, based on this page https://pkgs.org/download/samba, and elsewhere I have looked, I can not find a Samba 3 version where it is indicated that it is build for CentOS 7.

Can I simply take the latest Samba 3 RPM package for CentOS 6 and install this on CentoOS 7?

Or is there another and better way to install Samba 3 on Centos 7?

Best Answer

  1. find the centos6 SRPM for samba3 on [vault][(vault.centos.org)
  2. rpm -i that source RPM on centos7
  3. you now have source and a spec file, which can be used as a guide to building samba3.

But we need to both agree that a samba4 problem on centos7 is not going to be accurate replicated or confirmed by building a different version of the software and smelling whether that works.

I recommend opening a new issue - here, samba.org, or with Red Hat - and letting us know what issue you're seeing so we can address the issue. Using us like marionettes for a bit of lifting to help explore a corner case miles away from your problem means we're unable to spot and help you overcome issues that you may not be aware you have.

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