Centos – Is mdadm Raid-1 Over A Network File Share Possible


I am using 64bit CentOS 5.5

I know it's possible to set up software RAID1 using mdadm using a physical hard disk and a RAM disk.

Is it possible to set up software RAID1 with mdadm using a NFS mount and a RAM disk instead?

Or another way to put the question, is it possible for a NFS mount to be a block device that works with mdadm?

I plan to use the –write-mostly option so that the reads are done from the RAM disk.

OK, here's the why.

I need a synchronous shared filesystem for my web cluster as Apache is performing writes.

I have tried GlusterFS but the peformance on dynamic pages that require many small files to be read is unacceptable. It takes 5 seconds to create one of the dynamic signup pages on my site for example. It's my understanding that small file performance is a problem with any shared/clustered filesystem to varying degrees. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Since nothing is going to be faster than RAM, hence the question about software RAID1 using a ram drive and a NFS mount.

This way, I'll get the speed of RAM and the synchronous replication I need on the writes.

Best Answer

No, you need block level access such as xATA/SAS/FC/FCoE/iSCSI disks.