Centos – latest openbox Yum package standalone install centos


i am trying to install openbox on centos.

when i try yum install openbox
i get

no openbox package available

nothing to do

how can I install this standalone with the yum command?

Best Answer

You will have to find someone who is running a yum repository which includes an openbox package, and include the details in your yum configuration. I've had a brief look, and can't find such a repository, so it seems a little pointless to describe how to add it to your yum config.

However, http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/9221302/dir/centos_5/com/openbox- has an RPM package for RHEL5 on x86_64 (and therefore for CentOS on x86_64, assuming that you're running CentOS5). Interestingly, it claims the package comes from Karanbir Singh, who is one of the driving forces behind CentOS.

If you're willing to trust an unsigned RPM from the internet (which I might do on a dev system, but never on anything important) you can download the RPM from the link above and install it with yum localinstall openbox- If you need an i386 RPM, then I recommend poking a little more on rpmbone.