Centos – migrating imap using imapsync


i have 2 centos vps, dovecot, sendmail and ssl are installed on both servers, i want to migrate the mail server from oldserver to newserver so i installed imapsync on both servers. I followed this tutorial, I use the ip address of my servers, instead of the hostname.

When i do:

imapsync --oldserverip --user1 Me@example.com --passfile1 /etc/secret2 --newserverip --user2 me@example.com --passfile2 /etc/secret2

I get:

Temp directory is /tmp PID file is /tmp/imapsync.pid Modules version
list: Mail::IMAPClient     3.32 IO::Socket           1.29
IO::Socket::INET     1.29 IO::Socket::SSL      ? Digest::MD5         
2.36 Digest::HMAC_MD5     1.01 Term::ReadKey        2.30 Authen::NTLM         1.09

Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates
(arrival dates) on host2 same as host1. Info: will try to use LOGIN
authentication on host1 Info: will try to use LOGIN authentication on
host2 Host1: imap server [old server ip] port [143] user
[me@example.com] Host2: imap server [new server ip] port [143] user
[me@example.com] Failure: can not open imap connection on
[old server ip] with user [me@example.com]: IO::Socket::INET:
connect: Connection refused

If i use ssl1 option and specify which port i want to use i get this error:

dualvar is only available with the XS version of Scalar::Util at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/IO/Socket/SSL.pm line 38 BEGIN
failed–compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/IO/Socket/SSL.pm line 38. Compilation
failed in require at /usr/bin/imapsync line 3900.

I think there are missing dependencies as mentioned here

  • Mail-IMAPClient
  • Net-SSLeay
  • IO-Socket-SSL
  • Date-Manip
  • Term::ReadKey
  • Parse-RecDescent
  • Net-IDN-Encode
  • Unicode-Stringprep
  • Digest-MD5

But i don't know how to install them, they are not available using yum

Best Answer

a) For the "Connection refused" issue, change dovecot configuration to allow IMAP on the default port 143.

b) For the "dualvar is only available" issue see: https://alexcline.net/2012/02/02/message-dualvar-is-only-available-with-the-xs-version-of-scalarutil-error-in-centos-5/

From dovecot to dovecot rsync will be faster, by a magnitude of 100.

c) For the modules dependencies read http://imapsync.lamiral.info/INSTALL there are the package names to use with yum.

yum install perl-Mail-IMAPClient       # Mail::IMAPClient
yum install "perl(Term::ReadKey)"      # Term::ReadKey
yum install "perl(Authen::NTLM)"       # Authen::NTLM
yum install perl-Data-Uniqid           # Data::Uniqid
yum install perl-File-Copy-Recursive   # File::Copy::Recursive
yum install perl-IO-Tee                # IO::Tee
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