Centos – Mysql 5.5 is not installed in CentOS 5.7


I am using CentOS 5.7 with 64 bit. In my machine already have MySQL 5.0.88 version. Now I want to upgrade MySQL to 5.5 version. I followed this link to start my installation process. When i give "yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test list mysql mysql-server" it's ouput like

     -> yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test list mysql mysql-server
 Loaded plugins: dellsysid, fastestmirror
 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile 
 * base: ftp.iitm.ac.in 
 * epel: buaya.klas.or.id  
 * extras: ftp.iitm.ac.in 
 * remi: remirpm.mirror.gymkl.ch
 * remi-test: remirpm.mirror.gymkl.ch 
 * rpmforge: mirror.oscc.org.my 
 * updates: ftp.iitm.ac.in remi             | 2.5 kB     00:00   
   remi-test                                | 2.5 kB     00:00    
  Available Packages mysql.i386                 
    5.0.95-5.el5_9                                                 updates       
    5.5.30-1.el5.remi                                       remi   
    mysql- server.x86_64                                           
    5.5.30-1.el5.remi                                       remi

When I run "yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install mysql mysql-server" command it returns

-> yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install mysql mysql-server
Loaded plugins: dellsysid, fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: ftp.iitm.ac.in
 * epel: ftp.jaist.ac.jp
 * extras: ftp.iitm.ac.in
 * remi: mirror5.layerjet.com
 * remi-test: mirror5.layerjet.com
 * rpmforge: kartolo.sby.datautama.net.id
 * updates: ftp.iitm.ac.in
Setting up Install Process
Package mysql is obsoleted by MySQL-server-community, trying to install MySQL-server-community-5.0.88-0.rhel5.x86_64 instead
Package MySQL-server-community-5.0.88-0.rhel5.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package mysql is obsoleted by MySQL-server-community, trying to install MySQL-server-community-5.0.88-0.rhel5.x86_64 instead
Package MySQL-server-community-5.0.88-0.rhel5.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package mysql-server is obsoleted by MySQL-server-community, trying to install MySQL-server-community-5.0.88-0.rhel5.x86_64 instead
Package MySQL-server-community-5.0.88-0.rhel5.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

It seems link 5.0 is the latest. Please help me how to upgrade MySQL 5.0 to 5.5

Best Answer

Please try to install it with below command

  # yum update
  # yum --enablerepo=remi install mysql mysql-server