Centos – No output from /etc/init.d/postfix start


i try to run postfix version postfix-2.3.3-6 already installed on my CentOS 5.6 server , but it shows FAILED msg when i use this command

/etc/init.d/postfix start

Ok i tried to unveil the source of problem with /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages but for the first one it says no such file in directory and for the second command another msg says that the permission is denied what should i do ? any suggestion is appreciated

Best Answer

The permission denied message for /var/log/messages suggests that you're not doing it with root privileges, which in turn makes me wonder if you're not starting postfix as root, either. You will most definitely need to run an MTA as root for it to work.

Try sudo /etc/init.d/postfix start (assuming you use sudo to get root privilege), and if that still fails, try sudo tail /var/log/messages.

Edit: OK, the error message you've found in /var/log/maillog is very likely the indicator of the failure-to-start problem, since it says warning: valid_hostname: misplaced delimiter: u1y3nntoq0. fatal: unable to use my own hostname, and fatal errors are rarely good for software.

Could you find out if there's some issue with a declaration in your postfix config files with grep u1y3nntoq0 /etc/postfix/main.cf, and if that doesn't find anything, with find /etc/postfix -type f -exec grep u1y3nntoq0 {} /dev/null \; ? The output of hostname would also be most helpful.

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