Centos – Perl File::Copy module installation fails


I have Perl version version 5.10.1 installed in my CentOS6.0 machine.

I need to install TWiki and it needs some perl modules (see this URL)

I tried to install File::Copy module by going to Cpan with the command,

perl -NCPAN -e shell and then
install File::Copy

I got the below error message,

cpan[1]> install File::Copy CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.20) Reading

Database was generated on Tue, 25 Sep 2012
13:55:04 GMT Running install for module 'File::Copy' The most recent
version "2.24" of the module "File::Copy" is part of the perl-5.17.4
distribution. To install that, you need to run force install
File::Copy –or–

install F/FL/FLORA/perl-5.17.4.tar.bz2

make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during
this command:

FLORA/perl-5.17.4.tar.bz2 : make NO
isa perl

Is my perl version do not have the File::Copy module?

If I need to upgrade my perl, please tell how to proceed correctly.

Best Answer

I got the list of perl modules installed by default using this command,

cpan -l

and I found that my File::Copy installed version (2.14) is above the required level of TWiki

So, I updated other missing modules like Config and CGI::Session using

yum install perl-Config*


cpan> install CGI::Session

I got all the required CPAN modules and then successfully installed TWiki!

Thanks @david-mackintosh for your answer.