Centos – PHP fastCGI won’t stop, trying to start PHP fpm


I installed php-fpm and tried to start it. Got the following error:

ERROR: unable to bind listening socket for address '': Address already in use (98)

So it would appear php-fastcgi is using the address:

[root@singularity ~]# netstat -tulnp | grep ":9000"
tcp        0      0    *                   LISTEN      14595/php-cgi

But I can't stop php-fastcgi service:

[brad@singularity ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/php-fastcgi stop
Stopping php-cgi:                                          [FAILED]

Is this normal? Any ideas why? Or where I could look for errors?

Best Answer

try killing the service manually

ps aux | grep php

find the PID number, and kill that pid


Then try to start again

sudo /etc/init.d/php-fastcgi start

this work ?