Centos – Php Internal Server Error


I just migrated my sites contents from Plesk to Cpanel on a CentOS 5.5 x64 LAMP VPS. The issue I am having is some php files work – others don't. For example, the current index.php file is working find and is running phpinfo() and giving results back – If I create a new test.php file and copy and paste the exact same code from index.php, it results in a 'Internal Server Error' message.

Can anyone provide any assistance with this? It's happening across all my domains and in one case, no php files are working.

Standard .html files all work so lead to believe something is wrong with my php install?

Example of 2 extracts from the log following:

A few extracts of the logs – "[Thu Oct 21 20:03:45 2010] [error] [client hidden] SoftException in Application.cpp:363: GID of script "/home/hidden/public_html/test.php" is smaller than min_gid
[Thu Oct 21 20:03:45 2010] [error] [client hidden] Premature end of script headers: test.php"

"[Thu Oct 21 20:05:46 2010] [error] [client] SoftException in Application.cpp:431: Mismatch between target GID (507) and GID (10) of file "/home/trades/public_html/index.php"
[Thu Oct 21 20:05:46 2010] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.php"

Best Answer

I'm pretty sure this will turn out to be an suphp error. Check ownership differences between the working files and the erroring files and therein will lie enlightenment.

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