CentOS – Port Forwarding to VM with Firewalld Not Working


I just set up a new CentOS 8 on my server with a VM on it, and I wanted to forward a port from the host to the VM (2228 to 22) with firewalld. I added the port-forward, turned on masquerade and tried it out from my desktop and this was the output:

ssh: connect to host x.x.x.x port 2228: Connection refused

I already checked if ip forwarding was enabled on the system and checked if I can reach the VM from the host, which I can. I also tried turning off SELinux but it didn't change anything. Interestingly enough, a port forward only on the host (e.g. Host:1234 to Host:22) works.

This is my firewalld zone:

public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: enp3s0
  services: dhcpv6-client ssh
  masquerade: yes
  forward-ports: port=2228:proto=tcp:toport=22:toaddr=
  rich rules: 

Running nmap on port 2228 returns that the port is closed and not filtered, so something seems to be working, just not all of it.

As suggested by J D I added a rich rule with logging but it does not seem to work either:

`rule family="ipv4" forward-port port="2228" protocol="tcp" to-port="22" to-addr="" log prefix="forward-log" level="debug"`

Best Answer

Add virbrX to a trusted zone and try again: firewall-cmd --add-interface=virbr0 --zone=trusted.

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