Centos – RAID1 and RAID5 configuration – LVM


I have a dedicated server, which has the following:

2 x 146GB drives in RAID1 - configured
3 x 600GB drives in RAID5 - unconfigured

The 2 x 146GB drives are currently dealing with everything, such as the OS, Apache, MySQL.

The 3 x 600GB drives, should be configured, but the server providers are trying to charge me through the roof to configure the RAID5 array.

I have been looking into configuring the server via LVM, but since I've never done this before, i was wondering if there was anything I needed to worry about/look out for as I don't want to mess up the current server.

I'd like the 3 x 600GB drives to be where my apache web root is. Would I need to create a symlink to a folder on here as my 'www' directory?

Has anyone come across any good tutorials that I could follow?


Best Answer

The Arch Linux wiki has a phenomenal guide for RAID/LVM

If you don't have a hardware or firmware (fake RAID) solution for creating the RAID 5, I would make a software raid with mdadm then set the drive to mount as your www folder