Centos – Red5 install on CentOS build.xml does not exist



I have followed this tutorial for installing Red5 line by line however I have just got to compiling the Red5 code I get the following error.

[root@server1 red5]# ant prepare
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed

What it is saying is correct, the dir /usr/local/red5 does not contain build.xml however I don't know if it is trying to get the build.xml from this directory. I am a complete noob to CentOS, I have been searching for about an hour now but cannot find a solution.


I just downloaded the files directly from red5. For anyone else that wants to do this:

wget http://www.red5.org/downloads/red5/1_0_1/red5-1.0.1.tar.gz
tar zxvf red5-1.0.1.tar.gz
mv /usr/local/red5-server-1.0 /usr/local/red5

After this run red5.sh in the red5 directory and everything should run correctly.

Best Answer

If you'd like to build red5, grab the source from github and use Maven. Ant has not been supported for several versions now. For build instructions and further details.