Centos – Running SSHD on multiple ports on CentOS release 6.2 (Final)


I am running CentOS release 6.2 (Final).

I want the sshd port of listen on ports 22 and 1022.

I have add the following lines to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

Port 22
Port 1022

and restarted sshd and turned iptables off however I cannot connect to sshd on port 1022.

Even if I do the following

#Port 22
Port 1022

sshd continues listening on port 22 and does not listen on port 1022. I have tried other port values besides 1022 but no luck.


Best Answer

If you were using CentOS 5 the configuration you describe does work but a quick test suggests that sshd on CentOS 6 won't bind to any port below 1023 except 22 - I can't find a reference for this at the moment. If you want to access sshd on multiple ports then pick one >=1024.

Update - this is related to SELinux. Current policy doesn't allow sshd to bind to non standard ports below 1023 (as experiment confirms) e.g.

semanage port -l | grep 22
ssh_port_t                     tcp      22

If you want to add an additional port <=1023 you will have to explicitly allow it in SELinux

semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t  -p tcp 1022
semanage port -l | grep 22
ssh_port_t                     tcp      1022, 22

then restart sshd

netstat -tnlp
tcp      0    0*             LISTEN      25376/sshd
tcp      0    0*             LISTEN      25376/sshd
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