Centos server migrate to larger disk

centoscentos5disk-space-utilizationhard drivemigration

I have a centos server that runs a whm/cpanel with mysql, apache, bind and email daemons. The server now has 95% of the server disk full. It is a dell poweredge 1950 with 2 spaces for SAS disks. I have it setup now with mirrored raid with the two disks currently in the server ( SAS 146GB 10K drives ).

I need to get more space available on the server but I'm unsure about how to go about that. What would you guys suggest for getting more space? I have purchased two 600GB SAS 10k drives to replace the 146GB drives ( i want to run the new larger drives in mirrored configuration as well ).

I've thought about trying to pull one of the disks in the mirrored configuration and putting a larger disk in and letting the system try to rebuild the array. However I'm worried that this could cause problems and that the larger disk may not even be accepted into the array. If the raid array became corrupted or unusable, then I'd be stuck doing a bare metal restore from backups which I'd like to avoid like the plague.

I've also thought to just put these larger disks in another free poweredge 1950 I have laying around and then move the data from the existing server over to this server. I have been experimenting with this offline, however I'm not sure this is the best way to go about it? The method I was going to go about this was

  • boot both servers off a live cds
  • on the destination server with larger disks, i would format the new 600GB disk with partitions and a file system, then mount the root partition. I would setup rsync daemon to be able to push to the root partition
  • from the source server with smaller disks I would mount the root drive, then rsync -avh everything up to the destination server new root partition
  • from the destination server I would then need to modify fstab, grub boot configuration if necessary, rebuild the initrd if necessary then do a grub-install to push grub onto the new disks

If all went well with the above I'd have a duplicate server with larger drives, and if that didn't work I'd still have the old server with smaller disks to revert back to in emergency.

I've experimented with some computers laying around my house, I got as far as having the new destination boot up but because of different hardware the destination server kernel panics, appears to be a missing kernel module for the hard drive controller. I was going to look into resolving this and seeing if my little experiment works so I can replicate on the live server, however I was wondering if I am going about this the wrong way?

Any suggestions are appreciated?


Best Answer

The safest way would be to back your server up, turn it off, replace the drives, and restore to them.

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