CentOS server not responding


I have a CentOS 6.5 server for hosting. It has sshd, httpd, mysqld, smtpd, dovecot, postfix, named working fine. but since last year I updated the server to PHP 5.4, MySQL 5.5, it starts having problems. Sometimes all services do not work except it response to ping. I added some monitoring service from 3rd party website. That website told me that my server reply 200 to httpd so it does not alarm me. All I can do is ask people in Data center to reboot it.

I want to know where is the problem. Since I cannot even use SSH to connect to server, I don't know what is the problem. Is there any way or script to find out where is the problem?

Best Answer

The first step would be looking at all log files, in particular /var/log/syslog.

Without any information my guess would be that it is an out-of-memory condition. Any service (including ssh) would stop, ping is pretty much the only service still working because it is directly handled by the kernel.