Centos – SSD caching using bcache or dm-cache on kernel 2.6.32-042stab104.1


I'm looking to use bcache or dm-cache with the latest OpenVZ kernel (2.6.32-042stab104.1) on CentOS 6. Unfortunately, dm-cache and bcache are part of kernel 3.10, but I know the OpenVZ kernel has a lot of functionality backported into it. Would it be possible to use either of these in this situation? If so, roughly how would I go about that?

I looked into Flashcache, but I've heard bcache and dm-cache perform much better.

Thanks in advance. 🙂

Best Answer

dm-cache wasn't merged until 3.9 and bcache wasn't merged until 3.10. EnhanceIO is a fork of flashcache which some optimizations that also is available on 3.10.

There have been a lot of advancements since 2.6.32 in the kernel and there aren't any backports for these features in the RHEL6 kernel which OpenVZ is based off of.

OpenVZ will be releasing a beta of RHEL7 (3.10) in the next few months and most likely a stable release soon after that.