Centos – Startup services are not getting started in CENTOS


I deployed my project on a Shared Hosting that has Root access the Server in picture is CENTOS

now although I have defined the service to start on boot it not getting started

chkconfig --level 35 thin.startup on

chkconfig --list | grep 'thin'
thin.startup    0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:off   5:on    6:off

Here the script look like the script is stored under /etc/init.d/thin.startup

# network Bring thin server up
# chkconfig: 35 20 80
# description: Starts and stops the thin Server and 
# See how we were called.

thin -C /home/perwe100/public_html/1001/fedena-v2.3-bundle-linux/config/fedena.yml start

Not sure what is going wrong since I can find anything in boot.log and chkservd.log

am I missing something

Btw I can see the symlink present in /etc/rc3.d/ and /etc/rc5.d/

Any one has an idea what I'm doing wrong

I want the script to start server on REBOOT

Best Answer

A couple of things you might need to check -

1 - you enabled thin for run levels 35, make sure your server is running in either run level 3 or 5. If not you might need to enable it for additional run levels. Although a CentOS server is most likely to run in run level 3 or 5, just double check it. runlevel

2 - Specify the full path to the thin binary.

something like this -


$DAEMON -C /yml-path-here/.yml start

3 - Before adding it to a start up script, confirm that the script works fine from the command line -

  thin -C /home/perwe100/public_html/1001/fedena-v2.3-bundle-linux/config/fedena.yml start