Centos – suexec error configuring mod_fastcgi with apache2.2.3 on centos


I've been following this blog post so that I can share APC opcode cache between PHP processes using FastCGI. Unfortunately I'm getting the following error when starting httpd:

Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 4 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_fastcgi.conf:
FastCgiWrapper: "/usr/sbin/suexec" execute access for server (uid -1, gid -1) failed: execute not allowed

Line 4 of mod_fastcgi.conf has FastCgiWrapper On. I notice that the documentation states that this line could specify the path to the wrapper. Should that be changed?

I've checked that the permissions of the user's php-fastcgi script (550) and directory (555) are correct, /usr/sbin/suexec is correct (-r-s--x---) and that suEXEC is being loaded by apache ([notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)).

Where else should I be looking? I'm pretty sure that this is a permissions or path issue…


Best Answer

It's to do with the order of the directives. In conf/http.conf it includes conf.d/* before it specifies User and Group directives.

Try putting mod_fastcgi.conf in conf/ and at the end of httpd.conf append

Include conf/mod_fastcgi.conf